Whole-Body Integration after Paralysis

Strategies to facilitate deeper and lasting connections

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Hey SCI trainers: Ever wondered what the secret is to getting new movements to *stick* with your SCI clients? Does it always have to be a tiring guessing game of what exercise comes next, and what will or won't work? We think not! Clear strategies from movement disciplines exist which lead to reliable progress in big and small ways. And we want to share them with you!

Maybe all you need are some new coaching strategies to get you thinking differently about the process of SCI recovery.

As the athlete-trainer duo behind the SCI rehab book From the Ground Up, we have thought deeply about how trainers can best support SCI athletes in their recovery. We’ll present the concepts and coaching strategies that we have found to be most effective for integrating the body after a paralyzing injury.

We’re confident this workshop will make you a better coach, with immediately implementable strategies and bigger-picture concepts that facilitate body-wide integration in your SCI clients.

In this 2 HOUR workshop, you will:

  • Learn to use fascial tensegrity to facilitate whole-body integration in your SCI clientele
  • Understand the interaction between stability and mobility in the context of a paralyzed body
  • Leverage principles of neuroscience to help athletes solidify new movement connections long-term
  • Make exercise selection and programming for clients faster and easier using motor development progressions and transitional movements as a guide
  • Learn effective coaching strategies which make your job easier, and your client’s learning faster
  • Find ways to ensure SCI athletes, not their trainers, take ownership of their rehab trajectory!
  • All strategies and concepts discussed in this workshop can be applied to SCI athletes of all injury level.

Course format: online/self-paced, access for one-year

Duration: 2 hours, broken into 5 modules

Continuing education credits: Apply for 2 continuing education credits directly to your certifying board with the supplied documents.

PREVIEW full modules below!

Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this workshop for?
All trainers and therapists who work with spinal cord injury athletes, or other neuromuscularly impaired clients. If that describes you and you’re interested in new perspectives to improve your practice, this is for you!
Would this be useful for SCI athletes, as well?
Athletes should absolutely understand their trainer’s overall thought process, but our other workshops – and especially our book – would be of more immediate use to them.
I’ve been working with SCI clients for years. What will this workshop teach me that I don’t already know?
This workshop synthesizes multiple systems together in the context of SCI. If you have ever wondered how fascial lines, Bartenieff Fundamentals and imagery-based cueing can improve your coaching practice, this workshop is for you. Even if you do have experience in these methods, we’re confident you’ll gain new insight by hearing how we approach SCI recovery.
How will your strategies integrate or work with my current coaching style/program?
We’re NOT asking you to completely overhaul your current approach. This workshop will offer effective and immediately implementable tools you can apply first-thing on Monday morning, and it will help you think critically about both session-to-session and long-term programming.
Will this workshop help me attract new SCI athletes as clients?
Without question! What differentiates you as a trainer, and sets you apart when it comes to helping your athletes discover lasting connection? This workshop will inform your answer to that, and also help you market yourself accordingly.
How long will I have access to the online workshop?
You will be able to access and revisit the workshop for one-year from the purchase date.
Does this course offer continuing education credits?
You may be able to credit this course to your accreditation board (ACSM, NASM, ACE, etc.) by submitting course & presenter documents provided in the last module of the course.
Where can I get more hands-on training for SCI clients?
Check out our in-person professional training opportunities at www.zebrafishneuro.com/trainings

Your Instructor

Theo & Stephanie
Theo & Stephanie

We have cultivated a working relationship around communication, collaboration, and openness to discovery since 2014. Through our shared journey in neuro-rehab – for one, that is recovery, and the other, professional growth – we have together developed an understanding of the process of reconnection, and ways to facilitate healing.

Get started now!